Can you trust the unknown?

Can you trust the unknown?

Have you ever heard the saying, “There’s so much Beauty in the UNKNOWN?” We compare the things we think we need yet settling for things we sometimes think we want. And we live our lives trying to do everything to the beat of our own drum. And we sacrifice our own happiness to see someone else’s smile. And we limit our encounters because they don’t fit the status quo.

The truth is, we are human beings who thrive off the existence of others. We’re relational beings who may not get a long with everyone, but we still need one another in some form. And though we may not have it all, right now, the beauty is what’s to come. There’s a sense of amazement that follows our happiness from things unexpected. “We didn’t plan to fall in love, it just happened. I didn’t think I was capable of Love until you came into my life.” We all have been faced with those ‘I don’t think I can do this’ moment until you actually do it.

And though it may not look exactly like you planned, you still did it. LET LIFE HAPPEN. Allow the birds to chirp and your blessings to come unsurprisingly because you already asked God for them. Allow yourself to come outside your comfort-zone and align yourself to all possibilities. Be happy just because. Meet people with great expectations. Let go of things that box you in. Work hard to accomplish your goals. Finish greater then your started. Learn something different. The unknown allows you to experience life, and Your life is worth living!

Accepting what you cant change

Accepting what you cant change