Poem: Losing to Win

Poem: Losing to Win

I listen to people lies for far too long.

In my moments of feeling rejected I started to feel Lost

In desperation I opened closed wounds for affection.

And in my hesitation to get up from this violation I heard God saying,

 “Come this way, here’s My protection.”

But like many, we refuse the invitation and try to fix the situation into our own liking.

But the imagination is like a playground,

full of attraction but the friction is like an introduction to our make up!

We listen to the fabrications

in hopes of gathering enough information for retaliation

but who you claim to be and what you accept is pollution to the solution

and there’s only one revelation of self that escapes.

The affection of God’s unchanging love comes with direction

and correction and the construction of your being correlates with your new creation.

The solution was to only translate this new evolution, of your mind that is,

and the ambition to be who God called you to be.

“Come this way, here’s My protection”

 Following God’s words was a choice.

 Rejection wasn’t hurting you; change was creating you!


The Next Destination


 -Reggie Lawhorn

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