New Year reSOLUTION(s)

New Year reSOLUTION(s)

New Year, New You, or, New Year, You, do You?

It’s easy for us to fall on the bandwagon of New Year rituals. Did you rededicate your being to fulfill goals lost throughout the previous months?  Or did you remove yourself from the things or people that ‘hindered’ you from living out your desires or your authentic self? The New Year is always the time for people to clean up what they messed up. They will continue living in their mess-ups until the days come closer to December 31, and midnight becoming a new slate of things they did the previous year.

New Year New You-

With age comes learned experiences and created habits that either make us better or keep us the same. The new you to many is about re-inventing yourself to people who already know you. The new year is about deciding to be a better person or fulfill a self-given resolution with self-accountability and hoping not to drop the ball THIS TIME. The new year is about presented opportunities and not being afraid to take them on. Its’s about setting goals and achieving them and being proud of your dedication. Whether it’s losing weight or even deciding to stop cursing, each day is a milestone to your greatest accomplishment.  What I like about the ‘new year new you’ movement is that you recognize things you want/have to change, or you see how you would like to do things differently this time around. I love growth. I love learning. I love when people apply those things correctly and when people can recognize it. I have a question that doesn’t require an answer for me, or others for that matter, but think about it: who’s the new year new you for; them (outside occurrences that you were easily influence by and your trying to correct their thought process) or yourself. (the person you wish others would notice first hand and not the product of your mistakes or your past)? New year new you for me focuses on being better but changing what you would do to gain the results you’re after. I also spoke about distancing myself from people but I would end up back in their corner when they said the right words or they acknowledged they needed me. Yes, I thrived off feeling wanted. So, in ‘distancing’ myself I channeled the ENERGY I wanted around me and who I WANTED in my space. I got to choose now. New me now goes off vibes, connection, asking more questions, not what people could get from me because they noticed a gullible side that I thought was just being a friend. 

New Year You Do You-

“Let’s start over with a clean slate.” That’s what I think about when the same person becomes a NEW person but the new them wants nothing to do with the old or new you. The new year also brings out the new soul crushers. Starting over doesn’t always mean you cut off everyone that doesn’t see the person you’re trying to be. You show them what your about and what you won’t tolerate moving forward. If people are not willing to abide by what you’re trying to do, then yes, allow them to do themselves without. The ‘you do you’ movement is also about protecting your peace. If someone gave you a headache all year round, why do you want them to do it in your new year? Furthermore, take a step back, why do people wait until the new year to change a problem that could easily be corrected in that ‘now ‘phase. New year you do you is creating a space for you to live and create and journey and you don’t want to do it with people who are no longer in your vision. Guess what? It’s okay. It took me a long time to realize that people naturally outgrow each other. People are adapting and changing daily. Sometimes journeys shift and you do have to think about yourself.

At That Moment-

For those who must start next month to redo what they were working toward Jan 1st, it’s never too late. Be realistic. Changing one thing requires you giving up something else. The question you should ask yourself, “is it worth it?” Remember, leaving things unfinished will always allow you to come back. You should change for the things around you to shift in the process. It’s a New Year, what you doing?







Poem: Losing to Win

Poem: Losing to Win

Crossing our own boundaries?

Crossing our own boundaries?