Your Story Matters
Your Story Matters
I originally started my blog to help encourage others to find their voice. To speak loud and proud without apology. I started this blog to create a platform of dialogue and conversation with oneself, to understand that even in our own thoughts we are not alone. Somehow, I started losing the desire that stood firm in my original creation. I lost the passion for content and I did what most people do: Give Up.
Have you ever thought to yourself that you weren’t good enough? I told myself that my words wouldn’t be read so why write. I told myself that I will create tomorrow after tomorrow and each day passed me by, and months later, still nothing was published. Sometimes we have a hard time accepting three things: the truth, owning it, and figuring out what to do after we’ve acknowledged it.
The truth:
I did what most people would do; find many excuses to step away. I Grew Exhausted, but I also very nervous. I allowed inner self-inflicted hurt and unspoken truth to hold my voice captive. I knew I was good and what I wanted to say but I was afraid that no one would listen. I could pour my thoughts on to paper, but the ink would smear, and I would just get weary. So, I stopped. We tend to always resort back to what seems most familiar and for me, giving power to, “I am not good enough” seemed to always win. It stopped the desire to even want to be heard. I grew tired of thinking something was not great enough. I grew tired of thinking I was incapable of helping someone find a voice within themselves. How could I when I I lost my own?
Owning it:
Have you ever been so excited to create something, and you knew that it was going to be intriguing and enlightening? You knew people were going to relate, and in many cases give you the push to pursue and publish more? Then you start to see other people post the same things you’re talking about and you lose the zeal to publish your work or create? Have You ever got discouraged because you wanted your work to be great but didn’t think enough of yourself to believe you had the ability to make it happen? I have three words for you: PUT IT OUT. Own your work. Own the delivery of the message you’re trying to conquer. I was silent for months and it became evident. Truth is, I cared a little too much of what people would think of my post and less on how the content was going to help someone. I own it. I wasn’t jealous. I was self-doubting, and truth be told, I never have a reason to be.
Figuring it out:
I enjoy seeing my thoughts on paper and creating a reference to where my mind once was . I enjoy talking to people, especially those who struggle to be heard and needed an outlet. I would lend my ears and have questions awaiting. I enjoy helping people navigate through their inner thoughts and helping them find the solution to their concerns. I help people find that inner voice. I help people become vocal and unashamed, vibrant and truthful. To (l)earn their self- respect. To expose their truest heart. To heal in the best form, free of isolated thoughts and courageous enough to speak about it! If you want to continue being impactful, you need to be confident and aware of your talent. I needed to stop second guessing myself and just put out content. I needed to understand that each story is a reference to someone else’s views. In blogging or in artistry, you need to accept that everyone may not relate to what you’re saying, and that is okay. I had to figure out how I was going to stop making excuses if my hunger still exists to help people find their voice.
At That Moment:
Believe it or not, we are NOT alone in our way of thinking. All our experience’s shapes each of us. We may go through some tough hiccups that life throws at us outside our control, but we’re not exempt from our feelings, even when we choose to suppress them. Some of us have pushed through while others need help finding a way. Why not have 10 people speaking on the same topic your trying to overcome, with 10 different individuals’ truths, 10 different outlets and 10 different lessons from each. Don’t be afraid of your craft and the effectiveness of your words. It doesn’t take away from others creativity and it shouldn’t have you second guessing yours. This goes back to owning it. We all have gifts. Your story will always be your own, are you courageous to let us listen? Let us see the triumph of your discovery in overcoming something that once held you back. Let us see the imagery of your thoughts. When we are comparing ourselves to someone else’s way of thinking, or feel our story doesn’t matter, we forfeit our distinctiveness. Don’t be afraid to speak in your truth. Don’t get discouraged thinking that the amount of ‘views’ and ‘likes will determine you’re impact. We can no longer be concerned about an audience but more focused on speaking about issues we all face. Your dexterity deserves to be acknowledged, and posted, and read, and heard, all while being unashamed. Your voice will be heard, and your work will be understood.
I am a WRITER. I am creating a platform for people to not only find but to also use their voice. I am a Creative. I am impactful. I am no longer afraid of my content and I no longer compare my work to someone else’s story. This is My Story.
Let me help you speak yours.