How Taking a Break from Blogging Helped Me Rediscover My Passion

How Taking a Break from Blogging Helped Me Rediscover My Passion

If you're reading this, it means I'm back with a vengeance. After Taking some time away from blogging, I'm finally ready to share my thoughts and ideas with the world again. Let me start with this: It takes a lot of courage to be vulnerable and share your struggles with the world. When you have taken time to work on yourself and rediscover your passion, REFLECTION is a powerful tool for SELF-DISCOVERY and GROWTH.

I had to grow in some areas of my life after the death of my grandfather in 2021. For a long time, I felt a sense of emptiness and hopelessness, and I didn't grieve properly. I avoided most days as much as possible, but I still had to participate in life. Some things people didn't know, I didn't grieve right away after my grandfather died. I suppressed my emotions, feeling that I needed to be a part of the strong ones for my mom, aunts, and uncle. I saw the pain of the death of their father in more ways than one. In preparing for his service a lot needed to be done and decisions had to be made to make his last visible day for family and friends as amazing as it was. If you haven't read my blog about grieving, you should. I had to read it a few times and go back from time to time if needed. It ties into things that led up to now. On February 6, 2021, I had to say goodbye to him, lying in a casket, and I didn't know how to leave him ‘there’, understanding that it was his time to leave us. I felt hurt and confused. I had moments of regret. I felt everything anyone might've felt, but I also had to move on as if it wasn't affecting me. After writing that blog, I did what I felt was best for me, at that moment.

Grieving is very important but you must continue to live. I would drive to work every day for almost a year, crying my eyes out, walking into work as if nothing was wrong. I smiled in people's faces, I completed tasks asked of me, and I was present for those who needed me, but behind that mask, I became angry. I became short-tempered. I became distant to some. I became resentful. And when I wasn't excited to write anymore, I knew something was wrong. I had to take time and get away. It was my moment, to be honest with myself and find CLARITY to be a better ME.

The Value of Reflection: How Journaling Helped Me Get Back to Blogging

What I Learned during my time away from blogging was that after regaining my courage to be vulnerable, I discovered that each emotion or feeling I endured needed a "why" in front of it, and only I could define it. Why was I sad? Why was I afraid? Why did I stop? Being away for a while I reflected on the things, I wanted but what was stopping me from getting them. It wasn't easy. I purchased a few journals, read a few books, listened to a lot of music, and did all I could to reset and refocus. What I value about reflection is seeing the progress between THEN and NOW. I valued seeing the opportunity to be better. I valued seeing that I could share my emotions. For anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one, friendship, or a failed relationship (remember, grieving isn't always the actual death of someone, but the ending of something), the loss of a job, whatever it may be, you will spend a lot of time reflecting and processing, but what I found to be true is that TIME gets you through. Do you give yourself time to step away? Though I can't go back, I learned how to keep moving forward. What I learned about taking a hiatus from your everyday normal or daily activities is that when YOU ARE READY, you can pick up right where you left off. I think we put so much pressure on ourselves to continue doing life with the hiccups that may arise, but you can't forget about yourself and suppress the emotions you feel.

During my time away I worked on myself and learned the value of Self-Care. I started to understand that what was important to me was very significant. I journaled and wrote down how I was feeling. I started going back to coffee shops and I wrote; even if I didn't feel like it. I put all my thoughts on paper so I wouldn't forget the moments in the moment. After some time, I found my niche in becoming a Certified Life Coach and helping clients express themselves more confidently. I got a certification in Project Management to further my career. I became a better partner and friend. I learn to USE MY VOICE. Most importantly, I had to REST to GROW. I learned how to put myself first.

The Power of Community: How Connecting with Other Creatives Helped Me Get My Blogging Groove Back-

Social media has become the pioneer and platform for getting information out into the world. If we spend as much time following the right people, based upon the things we need for ourselves, or even the motivation to becoming a better you, think about how much further along we might be. If you are someone having a hard time and you are following people who complain and don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, you might stay where you are. In other words, I started connecting with other creatives to help me get back into blogging. A quote from musician Tom DeLonge that I enjoy is, "You should follow your passions, you know? And you should make sure you do something you love. That's all I've learned, is that if you're doing something you love you'll work harder at it and make it happen, I can promise you that." Following writers and other creatives like Alex Elle, Mel Robbins, Cory Allen, Michael Gaylon, Jason Gibson, Connor Beaton, and Kurt Faustin, to name a few, helped me on this journey to getting back to it. From the things they post, you see their passion, the real, the good, and the bad. In their exposure to their truth, you can easily relate to not feeling alone. They each tell a story. They show you that you're not the only one that goes through life's ups and downs. They let me see that tomorrow is another day. Remember, people can be very persuasive. So, who are you following?

ATM Advice:

1. Make sure that the people you follow will help you look at the world positively.

2. Follow people who will help you grow as a person.

3. Taking a break can be a powerful way to recharge and come back refreshed.

4. Sharing your struggles takes a lot of courage, but it can also be incredibly empowering.

If you can't find that, hit Subscribe on my page, and let's connect. I'm back. Stay tuned for some exciting new content. I can't wait to share it with you.

The Grief Healing

The Grief Healing